--------------------------------------------------------------------- "io" - The EEL Built-in IO Library --------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: The built-in IO library basically corresponds to C's stdio. It contains types and functions for basic file/stread I/O. --------------------------------------------------------------------- class file position: Current position (R/W) --------------------------------------------------------------------- class memfile position: Current position (R/W) buffer: Memory buffer (dstring) --------------------------------------------------------------------- function stdin; function stdout; function stderr; Returns the standard input, output and error files respectively, if available, otherwise nil. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function open(path)[mode]; Opens file "path" in "mode". Arguments are identical to those of the C function 'fopen', except that they are EEL strings rather than C strings. --------------------------------------------------------------------- procedure close(f); Close file 'f'. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function read(f); function read(f, length); function read(f, type); Reads from file 'f'. The (f) version reads one byte and returns it's value (treating the byte as an unsigned 8 bit integer) as an EEL integer. The (f, length) version reads 'length' bytes and returns them as a dstring. The (f, type) version reads from 'f', deserializing the data into one item of 'type', and returns a value of that type. The number of bytes read depends on 'type', which must be a type with (de)serialization medamethods. --------------------------------------------------------------------- function write(f) Write 'data' (any number of arguments of types that can be serialized) to file 'f'. Returns the number of bytes written. ---------------------------------------------------------------------